Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bayesian Analysis. An Electronic Journal

A new issue of the new electronic journal BAYESIAN ANALYSIS has been
published and is available at the journals website http://ba.stat.cmu.edu

Welcome submissions
at http://ba.stat.cmu.edu/submit/

The December 2011 issue is:
2011, Volume 06, Number 04, pp. 501-926

The journal is sponsored by the International Society for Bayesian Analysis
(ISBA). Its editors are Ming-Hui Chen, Kate Cowles, David Dunson, David
Heckerman, Valen Johnson, Antonietta Mira, Sonia Petrone, Bruno Sanso, Mark
Steel, and Kert Viele. Herbie Lee is serving as Editor-in-Chief, Alyson
Wilson is Managing Editor, Kary Myers is Production Editor, and Pantelis
Vlachos is System Managing Editor.

Bayesian Analysis seeks to publish a wide range of articles that demonstrate
or discuss Bayesian methods in some theoretical or applied context. The
journal welcomes submissions involving presentation of new computational and
statistical methods; reviews, criticism, and discussion of existing
approaches; historical perspectives; description of important scientific or
policy application areas; case studies; and methods for experimental design,
data collection, data sharing, or data mining. Evaluation of submissions is
based on importance of content and effectiveness of communication.