Friday, July 31, 2009

A propósito de los conflictos del deporte

Una muy graciosa caricatura que cada vez se acerca más a la realidad, a propósito de los conflictos que vive el deporte no solamente en Bolivia. Fuente La Razón (

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Se viene el Congreso Boliviano de Estadística 2009

Fui comunicado oficialmente acerca de la llegada del Congreso Boliviano de Estadísica 2009. El mismo se llevará a cabo en La Paz, del 18 al 20 de Noviembre de la presente gestión.
Me llegó la siguiente publicación de parte de Luis Zapata, organizador del evento, para que puedan participar como expositores:

Aviso Nº 1
18 Y 20 DE NOVIEMBRE, 2009

Reunir en La Paz a profesionales Estadísticos para compartir amistad, experiencias, disertaciones, y aprobación del Proyecto de Estatuto del Colegio de Estadísticos

28. Despacho del proyecto a todos los colegas que tienen
correo registrado y comuniquen a otros de su distrito.

1º a 14 Comunicar a la comisión su participación en el
Congreso con/sin disertación

20 Confección de nómina de expositores, confirmación
de lugar de conferencia, Banco de aportes

30 Recepción de observaciones del Proyecto (vía mail)
a fin de organizar la comisión de compatibilización
y estilo para preparar el final a ser aprobado.

7 y 8 Reunión de la Comisión
10 Recepción de disertaciones, tema y tiempo estimado
de exposición. (enviar por mail.)

Comisión: Jaime Pinto
Luis Zapata
Hoja de Inscripción

Correo _____________________________

Disertación Posible _____________________

Monday, July 27, 2009

Diseasome: Human Disease Network

Here we have a very interesting tool to explore the human disease network:

Scientists Worry Machines May Outsmart Man

The New York Times published an article about this issue:

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

World Population Prospects

The Population Division of the United Nations has statistics since 1950 and forecast to 2050 (The 2008 Revision).
The estimation of the 2009 world population is 6 829 360 000, male: 3 442 851 000 and female 3 386 510 000. The estimation for Bolivia is 9 863 000, male: 4 918 000 and female: 4 945 000. As you can see, the world ratio is bigger for men but in Bolivia is bigger for women.

An extreme case I think is Russia:

Monday, July 20, 2009

How much is a life worth? (Despite its controversy and callousness)

A graphical user interface to calculate the human worth in US$ based on their location.
You can personalize it with your annual income and your age.

The world’s most valuable brands - Who’s most engaged?

Want to know not just what companies are doing on the social web but how well they're doing it? Here you can find a tool to measure and monitor brand engagement. ENGAGEMENTdb ranks the world's most valuable brands based on how they leverage social media to interact with customers.
And here a survey to rank yourself:

For people who want to teach physics to everyone

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Very interesting site for Mathematica fans

Smile at work -or the happiness detector will ding you

Companies with departments of customer assistance should implement technologies like this, especially in Bolivia:

Friday, July 10, 2009

North Americans see science as lagging in the US

Both the American public and researchers have a high regard for scientific advancement. But they disagree over the standing of science in the U.S.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Now you can backup your thousands emails

Archive your e-mail from almost any account:
I have thousands of e-mail messages in my Yahoo in-box, and thousands more in Gmail and in my ancient Hotmail account. MailStore Home is a free program that can archive them all locally, and display those archives in an interface that reads like your Outlook in-box.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

100 Open Source Apps for Windows

A very good list of open-source software for windows (if you didn't move to Ubuntu yet).

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

MJ Memorial: This must be a record on a live broadcast on internet

(Credit: Akamai)

MJ Memorial: This must be a record on a live broadcast on internet as you can see:

Social Security numbers can be predicted

It is possible to use publicly available data on state and date of birth to predict someone's Social Security number:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Cities Where They're Hiring

Dear US (and Canada) residents, look where they are hiring:

Wednesday, July 1, 2009