1. A First Course in Stochastic Processes, Second Edition
Samuel Karlin (Author), Howard M. Taylor (Author).
Cant = 2
2. Elements of Applied Stochastic Processes (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
U. Narayan Bhat (Author), Gregory K. Miller (Author)
Cant = 1 (2?)
3. An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling, Revised Edition
Samuel Karlin (Author), Howard M. Taylor (Author)
Cant = 2
4. An Introduction to Probablility and Stochastic Processes (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Marc A. Berger (Author)
Cant = 1
5. Modelos Estadísticos para Series de Tiempo Univariadas
Victor Guerrero (Autor)
Cant = 0
6. Modern Applied Statistics with S (Statistics and Computing)
W.N. Venables (Author), B.D. Ripley (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 35
Precio Oferta: Bs. 26
7. Modern Applied Statistics With S-PLUS
William N. Venables (Author), Brian D. Ripley (Author)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 37
Precio Oferta: Bs. 28
8. Técnicas de Análisis de Datos en Investigación de Mercados (Economia y Empresa)
Teodoro Luque Martinez (Corporate Author)
Cant = 1
Obs: Copia a lo largo
9. Metodos y modelos de investigacion de operaciones I/ Methods and Models of Operation Investigation I
Juan Prawda (Author)
Cant = 0
10. Investigacion de Operaciones
Richard Bronson (Author)
Cant = 0
11. Linear Regression Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
George A. F. Seber (Author), Alan J. Lee (Author)
Cant =2
Precio Normal: Bs. 34
Precio Oferta: Bs. 25
12. Theory of Linear Models (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
Bent Jorgensen (Author)
Cant =1
Precio Normal: Bs. 16
Precio Oferta: Bs. 10
13. Plane Answers to Complex Questions: The Theory of Linear Models (Springer Texts in Statistics)
Ronald Christensen (Author)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 33
Precio Oferta: Bs. 25
14. Estadística Para Investigadores, Introducción al Diseño de Experimentos, Análisis de Datos y Construcción de Modelos
George E.P. Box (Autor), William G. Hunter (Autor), J. Stuart Hunter (Autor)
Cant = 0
15. New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis
Helmut Lütkepohl (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 100
Precio Oferta: Bs. 80
16. Estadística: modelos y métodos. Modelos lineales y series temporales, Volume 2
Daniel Peña Sánchez de Rivera (Autor)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 52
Precio Oferta: Bs. 44
17. Problemas de Econometría
Antonio Aznar Grasa (Autor), Antonio Garcia Ferre (Autor)
Cant =1
18. Applied Regression Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Norman R. Draper (Author), Harry Smith (Author)
Cant = 1
19. Analisis Estadistico de Series de Tiempo Economicas
Victor Manuel Guerrero Guzman (Author)
Cant = 0
Precio Normal: Bs. 50
Precio Oferta: Bs. 40
20. Time Series Analysis
James Douglas Hamilton (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 55
Precio Oferta: Bs. 45
21. Introducción a la Econometría
Camilo Dagum (Autor), Estela de Dagum (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 18
Precio Oferta: Bs. 10
22. A Course in Time Series Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Daniel Peña (Author), George C. Tiao (Author), Ruey S. Tsay (Author)
Cant = 0
23. Bayesian Theory (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
José M. Bernardo (Autor), Adrian F. M. Smith (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 45
Precio Oferta: Bs. 36
24. The Bayesian Choice: A Decision-Theoretic Motivation (Springer Tracts in Natural Philosophy)
Christian P. Robert (Author)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 29
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
25. Introducción a la Minería de Datos
José Hernández Orallo (Autor), María José Ramírez Quintana (Autor), César Ferri Ramírez (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 33
Precio Oferta: Bs. 25
26. Counting Processes and Survival Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Thomas R. Fleming (Author), David P. Harrington (Author)
Cant = 0
27. Bayesian Data Analysis, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science)
Andrew Gelman (Author), John B. Carlin (Author), Hal S. Stern (Author), Donald B. Rubin (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 46
Precio Oferta: Bs. 38
28. Inteligencia Artificial: Modelos, Técnicas y Áreas de aplicación
Francisco Escolano, Miguel Ángel Cazorla Quevedo, Ma Isabel Alfonso Galipienso, Otto Colomina Pardo, Miguel Angel Lozano Ortega
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 29
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
29. Statistical Pattern Recognition, 2nd Edition
Andrew R. Webb (Author)
Cant = 0
30. Regression Modeling Strategies: With Applications to Linear Models, Logistic Regression, and Survival Analysis (Springer Series in Statistics)
Frank E. Harrell (Author)
Cant = 0
31. Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks
Brian D. Ripley (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 30
Precio Oferta: Bs. 22
32. Generalized Linear Models, Second Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)
P. McCullagh (Author), John A. Nelder (Author)
Cant = 0
33. Multivariate Analysis (Probability and Mathematical Statistics)
Kanti V. Mardia (Author), J. T. Kent (Author), J. M. Bibby (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 36
Precio Oferta: Bs. 30
34. Visualizing Data
William S. Cleveland (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 25
Precio Oferta: Bs. 18
35. Stochastic Simulation (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Brian D. Ripley (Author)
Cant = 0
36. Modeling Survival Data: Extending the Cox Model (Statistics for Biology and Health)
Terry M. Therneau (Author), Patricia M. Grambsch (Author)
Cant = 0
37. Applying Generalized Linear Models (Springer Texts in Statistics)
James K. Lindsey (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 17
Precio Oferta: Bs. 10
38. SPSS para Windows: Programación y Análisis Estadístico
Magdalena Ferrán Aranaz (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 40
Precio Oferta: Bs. 30
39. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction (Springer Series in Statistics)
Trevor Hastie (Author), Robert Tibshirani (Author), Jerome Friedman (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 27
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
40. Guía del Usuario del sistema base de SPSS 7.5 para Windows
SPSS Inc, SPSS Inc. (Chicago, Estados Unidos)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 30
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
41. Markov Chain Monte Carlo in Practice (Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics)
W.R. Gilks (Editor), S. Richardson (Editor), David Spiegelhalter (Editor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 35
Precio Oferta: Bs. 26
42. An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 2nd Edition
T. W. Anderson (Author)
Cant = 1
43. Methods of Multivariate Analysis (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Alvin C. Rencher (Author)
Cant = 0
44. Discriminant Analysis and Statistical Pattern Recognition (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Geoffrey J. McLachlan (Author)
Cant = 0
45. Monte Carlo Statistical Methods
Christian P. Robert (Author), George Casella (Author)
Cant = 0
46. Curso de Estadística Descriptiva, 2da Tirada
Gérard Calot (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 38
Precio Oferta: Bs. 30
47. Mathematical Statistics
Steven F. Arnold (Author)
Cant = 1 ?
48. Diccionario practico de estadistica y tecnicas de investigacion cientifica
Restituto Sierra Bravo (Author)
Cant = 0
49. Introduccion a la Teoria Matematica de las Probabilidades y Estadistica
Howard G. Tucker (Autor)
Cant = 0
50. Chaos, Fractals, and Noise: Stochastic Aspects of Dynamics (Applied Mathematical Sciences)
Andrzej Lasota (Author), Michael C. Mackey (Author)
Cant = 1
51. Asymptotic TECHNIQUES FOR USE IN STATISTICS (Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 31)
O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen (Author), D.R. Cox (Author)
Cant = 0
52. Introduction to Structural Equation Models
Otis Dudley Duncan
Cant = 0
53. Bootstrap Methods and their Application (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics)
A. C. Davison (Author), D. V. Hinkley (Author)
Cant = 0
54. Inference and Asymptotics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)
D.R. Cox (Author), O.E. Barndorff-Nielsen (Author)
Cant =1
55. Kernel Smoothing (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)
M.P. Wand (Author), M.C. Jones (Author)
Cant = 0
56. Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability)
Bernard. W. Silverman (Author)
Cant = 1
57. Netlab. Algorithms for Pattern Recognition
Ian T. Nabney (Author)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 25
Precio Oferta: Bs. 15
58. STATA: 8 Books: 1. Getting started, 2. User's Guide, 3. Graphics and 4-8: Reference Manuals
STATA Corporation
Cant = 1 (Set of 8 Original Books)
59. Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications
Erwin Kreyszig (Author)
Cant = 1
60. Lectures on the Coupling Method
Torgny Lindvall (Author)
Cant = 0
61. Statistics of Knots and Entangled Random Walks
S. K. Nechaev (Author)
Cant = 0
62. Branching Processes: Variation, Growth, and Extinction of Populations (Cambridge Studies in Adaptive Dynamics)
Patsy Haccou (Author), Peter Jagers (Author), Vladimir A. Vatutin (Author)
Cant = 0
63. Probabilities on Algebraic Structures (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Ulf Grenander (Author)
Cant = 0
64. Numerical Optimization (Springer Series in Operations Research and Financial Engineering)
Jorge Nocedal (Author), Stephen Wright (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 50
Precio Oferta: Bs. 40
65. Principios de Estadística, Probabilidades e Inferencia, Teoría y Ejercicios
Ernesto Rivero (Autor)
Cant = 1
66. Teoría del Muestreo
Raj Des (Author)
Cant = 0
67. Nonparametric Statistical Inference, Third Edition (Statistics: A Series of Textbooks and Monographs)
Jean Dickinson Gibbons (Author), Subhabrata Chakraborti (Author)
Cant = 0
68. Técnicas de Muestreo
William G. Cochran (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 36
Precio Oferta: Bs. 27
69. Elements of Large-Sample Theory (Springer Texts in Statistics)
E.L. Lehmann (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 47
Precio Oferta: Bs. 38
70. Matrix Differential Calculus with Applications in Statistics and Econometrics
Jan R. Magnus (Author), Heinz Neudecker (Author)
Cant = 1
71. Introducción a la teoría de probabilidades e inferencia estadística
Harold J. Larson (Autor)
Cant = 0
72. Bayesian Learning for Neural Networks, Ph.D. Thesis
Radford M. Neal
Cant = 1
73. Cartoon Guide to Statistics
Larry Gonick (Author), Woollcott Smith (Author)
Cant =1 (2?)
74. Probabilidad y estadística I, 4a Edicion
Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Ricardo Cruz
Cant = 1
75. Introduccion a R, 200/05/16
R Development Core Team
Cant = 1
76. Elementary Stochastic Calculus With Finance in View (Advanced Series on Statistical Science & Applied Probability, Vol 6) (Advanced Series on Statistical Science and Applied Probability)
Thomas Mikosch (Author)
Cant = 0
77. Probability and Measure (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Patrick Billingsley (Author)
Cant = 1
78. Measure Theory (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Paul R. Halmos (Author)
Cant = 0
79. Model Assisted Survey Sampling (Springer Series in Statistics)
Carl-Erik Särndal (Author), Bengt Swensson (Author), Jan Wretman (Author)
Cant =
80. Multiple Imputation for Nonresponse in Surveys (Wiley Classics Library)
Donald B. Rubin (Author)
Cant =
81. LISP-STAT: An Object-Oriented Environment for Statistical Computing and Dynamic Graphics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
Luke Tierney (Author)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 30
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
82. On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp
Paul Graham (Author)
Cant = 1?
83. Bayesian Data Analysis
Andrew Gelman (Author), John B. Carlin (Author), Hal S. Stern (Author), Donald B. Rubin (Author), A. Gelman (Author)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 37
Precio Oferta: Bs. 25
84. Nonlinear Time Series Analysis
Holger Kantz (Author), Thomas Schreiber (Author)
Cant =
Precio Normal: Bs. 30
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
85. An Introduction to Regression Graphics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
R. Dennis Cook (Author), Sanford Weisberg (Author)
Cant = 2
Precio Normal: Bs. 20
Precio Oferta: Bs. 15
86. Theory of Probability: A Critical Introductory Treatment (Wiley Series in Probability & Mathematical Statistics) (v. 1 & 2)
Bruno De Finetti (Author), Antonio Machi (Translator), Adrian Smith (Translator)
Cant =
87. The Pleasures of Probability (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics / Readings in Mathematics)
Richard Isaac (Author)
Cant = 1 (2?)
88. Statistical Analysis with Missing Data, Second Edition
Roderick J. A. Little (Author), Donald B. Rubin (Author)
Cant = 1(2?)
89. Advanced Calculus with Applications in Statistics (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)
André I. Khuri (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 24
Precio Oferta: Bs. 18
90. Foundations of Modern Probability (Probability and Its Applications)
Olav Kallenberg (Author)
Cant = ?
91. Probability Theory: The Logic of Science [Pre-edition]
E. T. Jaynes (Author), G. Larry Bretthorst (Editor)
Cant = ?
92 Bayes and Empirical Bayes Methods for Data Analysis
Bradley P. Carlin (Author), Thomas A. Louis (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 25
Precio Oferta: Bs. 15
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Venta de libros de Matemáticas con descuento
1. Geometric Integration Theory
Hassler Whitney (Author)
Cant = 0
Obs: Copia a lo largo
2. Advanced Linear Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Steven Roman (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 29
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
3. Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
John A. Thorpe (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 18
Precio Oferta: Bs. 10
4. Real Analysis, Second Edition
H.L Royden (Author)
Cant = 1
5. Principios de Analisis Matemático, Tercera Edición
Walter Rudin (Autor)
Cant = 0
6. Problemas y Ejercicios de Análisis Funcional
V.A. Trenoguin (Autor), B. M. Pisarievski (Autor), T. S. Sóboleva (Autor)
Cant = 0
7. Algebra Lineal Aplicada, Tercera Edición
Ben Noble (Autor), James W. Daniel (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 39
Precio Oferta: Bs. 30
8. Algebra Lineal (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Serge Lang (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 30
Precio Oferta: Bs. 22
9. The Latex Companion (Addison-Wesley Series on Tools and Techniques for Computer T)
Michel Goossens (Author), Alexander Samarin (Author), Frank Mittelbach (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 24
Precio Oferta: Bs. 15
10. Spectral Theory
Edgar Raymond Lorch (Author)
Cant = 0
11. The LaTeX Companion (Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting)
Frank Mittelbach (Author), Michel Goossens (Author), Johannes Braams (Author), David Carlisle (Author), Chris Rowley (Author)
Cant = 1
12. Elements of Integration
Robert G. Bartle (Author)
Cant = 1
13. Matematicas Financieras
Lincoyan Portus (Autor)
Cant = 0
14. Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications
Erwin Kreyszig (Author)
Cant =
Hassler Whitney (Author)
Cant = 0
Obs: Copia a lo largo
2. Advanced Linear Algebra (Graduate Texts in Mathematics)
Steven Roman (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 29
Precio Oferta: Bs. 20
3. Elementary Topics in Differential Geometry (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
John A. Thorpe (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 18
Precio Oferta: Bs. 10
4. Real Analysis, Second Edition
H.L Royden (Author)
Cant = 1
5. Principios de Analisis Matemático, Tercera Edición
Walter Rudin (Autor)
Cant = 0
6. Problemas y Ejercicios de Análisis Funcional
V.A. Trenoguin (Autor), B. M. Pisarievski (Autor), T. S. Sóboleva (Autor)
Cant = 0
7. Algebra Lineal Aplicada, Tercera Edición
Ben Noble (Autor), James W. Daniel (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 39
Precio Oferta: Bs. 30
8. Algebra Lineal (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Serge Lang (Autor)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 30
Precio Oferta: Bs. 22
9. The Latex Companion (Addison-Wesley Series on Tools and Techniques for Computer T)
Michel Goossens (Author), Alexander Samarin (Author), Frank Mittelbach (Author)
Cant = 1
Precio Normal: Bs. 24
Precio Oferta: Bs. 15
10. Spectral Theory
Edgar Raymond Lorch (Author)
Cant = 0
11. The LaTeX Companion (Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting)
Frank Mittelbach (Author), Michel Goossens (Author), Johannes Braams (Author), David Carlisle (Author), Chris Rowley (Author)
Cant = 1
12. Elements of Integration
Robert G. Bartle (Author)
Cant = 1
13. Matematicas Financieras
Lincoyan Portus (Autor)
Cant = 0
14. Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications
Erwin Kreyszig (Author)
Cant =
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